After the lecture, Prof. Swidler gave a seminar concerning “Universal Declaration of a Global Ethic” at 3 p.m. March 8th. The seminar focused on the basic principles in the declaration: “What you do not wish done to yourself, do not do to others” and “what you wish done to yourself, do to others”. What’s more, all the scholars present gave their own opinions on topics such as the international political and economic backgrounds for the universal ethic, the foundation principles for the declaration, and so on. The heated discussion has laid the academic foundation for studies about China in globalization.
Dr. Leonard J. Swidler is Professor of Catholic Thought and Interreligious Dialogue at Temple University, Philadelphia, where he has taught since 1966. He is not only the Co-Founder with his wife Arlene Swidler in 1964 of the quarterly Journal of Ecumenical Studies (and still the editor), Co-Founder/Director of Global Dialogue Institute (1993-), but also Founder/President of Dialogue Institute — Interreligious, Intercultural, International (1978-), Founder/Past President of Association for the Rights of Catholics in the Church (1980-). He is also the famous initiator of “Universal Declaration of a Global Ethic”, which was passed by The Second Parliament of the World's Religion in1993.
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