The Third Sino-American Dialogue on Core Values sponsored by World Ethics Institute Beijing (WEIB) and co-organized by Organizing Committee of Beijing Forum, Confucius Institute of Stanford University and Cultural China Foundation of America, opened in Claremont Hotel in Berkeley, CA on December 28, 2012.
This Dialog could be traced back to “U.S.-China People-to-People Exchanges” established based on joint proposal from senior leaders of China and U.S. in April 2011 and gradually improved after that. “Sino-American Dialogue on Core Values” proposed by Li Yansong, Vice President of Peking University and Deputy Director of Organizing Committee of Beijing Forum and Tu Weiming, Director of IAHS at Peking University and Consultant of Academic Committee of Beijing Forum and built under the framework of Beijing Forum, aims to give full play to the academic advantages of Beijing Forum and IAHS of Peking University by relying on U.S.-China People-to-People Exchanges and promote reflection of core values of China and U.S. by scholars from both countries by in-depth exchanges and face-to-face dialogs in order to enhance understanding, expand common grounds and give references for decision and policy making by leaders of both countries. The First and the Second Sino-American Dialogue on Core Values were held in autumn of 2011 and 2012 respectively during annual conferences of Beijing Forum.
Based on results from previous two dialogues, the Third Sino-American Dialogue on Core Values held in Berkeley pooled academic resources of the recently founded WEIB and aimed to set down ideological consensus of intellectual elite of China and U.S., striving to exert substantial influence on China-U.S. relationship and exploration of human common values.
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