Chancellor of the University of California at Santa Cruz (UCSC), Prof. George Blumenthal visited the Institute for Advanced Humanistic Studies at Peking University (IAHS) on Wednesday morning (October 21, 2015), accompanied by Professor Douglas Lin, Mr. Joel Ferguson, the vice provost for international studies and Ms. Margaret McGuire, the executive assistant for the Chancellor. They had a discussing meeting with the visiting professor, Ph.D students and post-doctoral fellows at the IAHS.
The discussion was chaired by the Assitant Professor Lu Yin who gave a warm welcome to the guests on behalf of Professor Tu Weiming, the founding director of IAHS. Then Dr. Lei Bo, Bai Libing and Wang Jianbao briefly introduced IAHS, World Ethics Institute Bejing (WEIB) and an individual program ‘Discourse on Confucian Entrepreneurs’ respectively. Chancellor George Blumenthal expressed a sincere appreciation to Professor Tu Weiming and IAHS, and introduced the progress status of humanities in UCSC. Moreover, the Chancellor expressed the good wish to explore possibilities for further academic communications and cooperations between USCS and IAHS.
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