On 9 October 2015, Professor Tu Weiming participated in the 13th“Rhodes Forum” and delivered a speech titled “Spiritual Humanism: An Emerging Global Discourse”. Based on the Confucian core value of “ren” (humanity), this speech envisioned a possible universal value for future human beings. The related philosophical idea was widely accepted by participants. For more information of this speech, please refer to http://www.wpfdc.org/blog/society/19519-on-humanity.
Every autumn since 2003, the ancient Greek island of Rhodes hosts a session of the World Public Forum “dialogue of Civilizations” called the Rhodes Forum that brings together public figures and statesmen, academics, religious figures and representatives of the arts, mass media and business spheres from all over the world. It focuses on the intercultural dialogue and on working out instruments to make interactions among cultures and civilizations possible. The results achieved by the Forum give a hope for further harmonization of international relations and strengthening of stability in the world.
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