‘Discourse on Confucian Entrepreneurs in 2015: “Conscience.Entrepreneurs.Value Remodeling” forum was held from Nov. 11 to Nov. 12 in Yingjie Exchange Center at Peking University. The forum was jointly organized by World Ethics Center of Peking University, Institute of Advanced Humanities Studies and the Cheung Kong School of Business.
It is the third time to held the forum, following the discussion of "Humanistic Spirit and Business Ethics in the Era of Globalization in 2013”, and discussion of “Confucian paradigm and wealth in 2014". This time, the “Discourse on Confucian Entrepreneurs in 2015” is themed as “Conscience and Value remodeling” , and try to face the current complex value conflicts and reshape the the Chinese values, and think of how to establish the root of value remodeling based on the conscience and and nous.
After fully understanding of the "Creative destruction" from the market economy’s power, we hope that entrepreneurs can share their understandings of the significance and wealth, the relationship between economy and ethics, and discuss how entrepreneurs can use intuitive knowledge participate in the process of the value-remodeling in society so as to construct a harmonized and prosperous human community in the future. Professor Tu weiming (Dean, Institute of advanced human studies, Peking University) pointed out that the problem of value remodeling as a universal problem, the traditional human-centered thought is difficult to continue now.
When we enjoy the benefit brought by modernization, we have to face all kinds of difficulties because of instrumental rationality and conquered nature. In the background of diversification, we need to think about how to coordinate the ideology of advocating individual with the concept of “community with shared life ", not only for China, but also it is a way that the world can be universally accepted by all mankind. “Conscience and reason" is a kind of new spirit,and it is rooted into Chinese tradition, which stressed the historic significance, sense of awe and transcendence of mankind. In the course of the Chinese nation’s great rejuvenation, it is necessary to attach its importance to the development.
Xiang Bing (The dean of Cheung Kong School of Business), Professor Lesinger (Academician of European Academy of Sciences and Humanities and Founder of the Global Alliance), delivered keynote speeches respectively, from the perspectives of Chinese enterprises’ growth and sustainable developments. After the keynote speeches, emceed by Qin Shuo(Director of the National Center for Business and Culture, former editor-in-chief of First Financial Daily), Professor Tu Weiming, Mr. Feng Lun (Chairman of the Cmi Holdings Ltd), Zhang Zhifeng (Chairman of the China Committee of the Asia Fashion Federation and founder of the Northeast Tiger brand Tiger & ne), and Zhu Rui (Vice President of Cheung Kong School of Business) had a brilliant conversation.
At the noon of Nov.11th, the forum held three summit dialogues, and the themes were: “as the the Value of the Cornerstone of the Conscience of the Nous”, “ Justice& Benefit &Value Remodeling Process” , and “Entrepreneurs’ Identity”. On Nov. 12th, around these themes, four round-table discussions on dialogues between entrepreneurs and scholars were going on. Through reviewing the process of reconstruction of modern social value and thinking of conscience, with those entrepreneurs’ personal experiences, we expect to explore more connotations in Chinese culture and spiritual traditions, so to enrich our resources at the level of morality, ethics, system etc., and also to cope with the common problems faced by mankind in the era of globalization.
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