From March 8th -10th, the international academic seminar “Sandall and Chinese Philosophy " was held in East China Normal University in Shanghai, which is jointly hosted by Institute of Modern Thought and Culture of China at the East China Normal University, International Society of Metaphysics, Department of philosophy in Comparative study of Chinese and Western philosophy and Culture. Prof.Tu Weiming , Professor Roger Ames from University of Hawaii , Professor Bu Songshan from Trier University respectively delivered speeches around themes.
Professor Michael Sandall of Harvard University, the author of "The Limitations of Liberalism and Justice" participated in the academic and discussed with other scholars. Professor Yu Zhenhua at Department of philosophy of East China Normal University emceed the meeting.
More than 60 experts and scholars exchanged their views around the themes. Most of them are from Tsinghua University, Renmin University of China, Fudan University, Tongji University, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Beijing Normal University, East China Normal University, and Nanjing Normal University.
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