Wang Kun, post-doctor of Institute for Advanced Humanistic Studies, Peking University, has attended“Progressing Chinese Philosophy in Comparing” High-end Forum held in Philosophy College of Wuhan University in 19th-20th, November, 2016. On the conference, Doctor Wang has published the essay of “Introduction to Poetic Ethics-- Reconstruction of Confucian Ethics”, and addressed the conference as a representative of young scholar participants on the closing ceremony.
This conference is the grand annual of Comparative Philosophy in Philosophy College of Wuhan University. Over 40 scholars in the area of Comparative Philosophy, Chinese Philosophy and Western Philosophy have attended it., including the famous scholars such as Bryan W. Van Norden, Li Minghui, Deng Xiaomang, Jiang Yi, Yao Xinzhong, Sun Xiangchen etc. During the two days’ time, they have had in-depth discussion about various areas in Comparative Philosophy like Enlightening, tradition and Modernity, dialogue of religions, epistemology and ethics, political philosophy, nature and history, etc. The conference dropped the curtain in pleasant summary addresses and dinner party.
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