Under the guidance of President Zhou Qifeng and Rector Bernd Engler of Tübingen University,and through the joint effort of Professor Du Weiming and Pr...[Full Article]
The Third Sino-American Dialogue on Core Values sponsored by World Ethics Institute Beijing (WEIB) and co-organized by Organizing Committee of Beijing...[Full Article]
Dr. Stelios Virvidakis is Professor of Department of Philosophy and History of Science at University of Athens, Greece. In 2006, he was awarded the t...[Full Article]
After the lecture, Prof. Swidler gave a seminar concerning “Universal Declaration of a Global Ethic” at 3 p.m. March 8th. The seminar focused on the b...[Full Article]
After the lecture, Prof. Swidler gave a seminar concerning “Universal Declaration of a Global Ethic” at 3 p.m. March 8th. The seminar focused on the b...[Full Article]
Prof. Sachiko Murata and Prof. William. C. Chittick are both the professors of Asian and Asian American Studies, Stony Brook University. Invited by Pr...[Full Article]
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