Executive Vice Director of IAHS Peimin Ni attended an International Conference on the theme of “Pre-Qin Thinkers: Philosophical Thoughts and Debates,”...[Full Article]
Hosted by the Sinyi Center for Culture Studies at the Institute for Advanced Humanistic Studies (IAHS) and by the World Ethics Institute Beijing (WEIB...[Full Article]
The Institute of Advanced Humanistic Studies (IAHS) at Peking University and its affiliated World Ethics Institute Beijing (WEIB) have held a high pro...[Full Article]
Wang Kun, post-doctor of Institute for Advanced Humanistic Studies, Perking University, has attended“Progressing Chinese Philosophy in Comparing” High...[Full Article]
Prof. TU Weiming, the Director of Institute for Advanced Humanistic Studies (IAHS) at Peking University, was invited by Soongsil University to give th...[Full Article]
The Fourth Nishan Forum on World Civilizations was held in Qufu, Shandong Province, Nov. 15-17, 2016. The Forum attracted more than 250 attendees from...[Full Article]
Invited by Professor Tu Weiming, Director of the Institute for Advanced Humanistic Studies (IAHS) at Peking University, Professor Yang Guiping from t...[Full Article]
On Sept.7th, 2016, jointly sponsored by China Culture Institute and Beijing San-Chi Culture Academy, Yangming Forum Preparatory Meeting was held at Ch...[Full Article]
Shanghai Confucianism Institute (Fudan University) was founded at Fudan University. The dean of the Tsinghua University School, Chen Lai was appointed...[Full Article]
In the evening of April 8th, Prof. Tu Weiming delivered a wonderful lecture for JT University’steachers and students in Room 101,Science Museum of Xi’...[Full Article]
From March 8th -10th, the international academic seminar “Sandall and Chinese Philosophy " was held in East China Normal University in Shanghai, which...[Full Article]
On the morning of March 8th 2016, Professor Peimin Ni (Dr. of Philosophy at the University of Connecticut, Grand Valley State University,United States...[Full Article]
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